Professor Katie Bailey
Katie Bailey (née Truss) is Professor of Work and Employment at King’s Business School, King’s College London and was formerly Head of the HRM & Employment Relations Group. She has been a member of the senior leadership team at four business schools.
An authority on engagement and meaningful work, Katie was winner of the 2019 Richard E Beckhard Memorial Prize, the 2020 Elwood F Holton III Research Excellence Award and the Human Resource Management Review 5-year Scholarly Impact Award. Katie was included in the 2021 Stanford list of the top 2% most cited scholars in the world. Her research has been published in the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Academy of Management Perspectives and numerous scholarly journals. She was co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Meaningful Work and is frequently invited to speak at workshops and conferences around the world. Katie’s research has been supported by major grants from the ESRC, NIHR, BA/Leverhulme Trust, CIPD and industry.
Katie is currently a member of the Renewing Work Advisory Group of Experts (ReWAGE) advising the government on the recovery and renewal of work post-Covid, and her previous roles include Trustee and Non-Executive Director of the Involvement and Participation Association, Co-Chair of the ‘Guru Group’ at Engage for Success and judge for the Institute of Customer Service Employee Engagement awards. At King’s, she runs the Meaning and Purpose Network (MaPNet) of organisations committed to raising levels of meaning and purpose.
Katie was Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Management Reviews, and has had editorial roles at several other leading journals. She is Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Higher Education Academy and Royal Society of Arts; Academic Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; Honorary Fellow of the Institute for Employment Studies, and Member of Association for Coaching. She is listed in the Universities HR Directory of Coaches.
She has a PhD from London Business School.

Katie delivers inspiring talks and workshops on what makes work meaningful, how to talk about meaning, and how to create meaningful workplaces.
Katie’s coaching practice covers three main areas: career and job coaching for academics; coaching for leaders and individuals in meaning and purpose; life coaching for individuals.